Ok, so you heard about gmail, but still haven’t got one? Well, I got 50 invitations, so just write a comment and include your current email-address and I will make sure you get an invite to use gmail.
Oh, you didn’t hear about gmail? My bad, I apologise. Gmail is a free alternative to hotmail, yahoo-mail or whatever is outthere, and I bet it’s better than what you are currently using! For starters you have 2 gigabytes of storage so you will never have to delete a mail again!
Secondly, the user-interface rocks – built completely with Ajax.
6 kommentarer til “The Big Gmail Give-away”
Hej Kimblim
jeg ville blive super glad hvis du ville invitere mig til Gmail
Hej Kimblim
Ville blive meget glad hvis du havde en invititation til gmail til overs.
Hej Kimblim
jeg ville også blive mega glad hvis du ville invitere mig til Gmail.
Hej Kimblim –
Jeg ville som de andre være superlykkelig, hvis du kunne undvære en invitation til mig.
Hej Kimblim, ville gerne modtage en gmail invitation… Thx!