medier nothingness

En tur forbi Quicktime: Jarhead

Quicktime har som altid nye spændende filmtrailers linet op, og da jeg kom forbi idag faldt jeg over Jarhead.

Filmen i sig selv ser spændende ud, idet den kan gå begge veje. Begge veje, forstået sådan, at den enten kammer over i ren USA-propaganda med vajende flag og hele lortet eller at den tillader sig at stille sig kritisk overfor krig og sætter lidt fokus på konsekvenserne heraf.

Ihvertfald ser filmen ud til at være filmet superfedt – gode farver, spændende vinkler og interessant kameraførsel. Soundtracket ser ud til at byde på ting så forskellige som Bobby McFerrin og Kanye West, og i traileren er især sidstnævntes “Jesus Walks” superfedt klippet ind.

Af andre spændende film pt. er der:

medier nothingness

Episode III – Revenge of the Sith

Tonight I am going to watch the new Star Wars movie “Episode III – Revenge of the Sith“.. again. Yes, again. I left it out in my previous post, but we went and saw it when we were in the states, and let me just tell you about that experience:
We booked tickets and went to the movie theatre early (in the States the seats are not assigned with rows and numbers) to get good seats. After all, we are talking about one of the most anticipated movies in the history of cinema, and it had just premiered a few days earlier. We got in, got good seats and began waiting. To my big surprise the cinema was far from full, but once the movie started, people started coming, so the first 5-10 minutes there were people in the aisles talking and scrambling to get the best seats left. Very annoying! Also, I guess about 60% of all the people in there left at one time or another to go the toilet. I guess they couldn’t do that beforehand, but what was really wierd, was that the kid in front of Louise went twice! He was about 15 years old and he is already having bladder problems – sad..

Anyways, the movie is great, so great that I don’t mind seeing it twice in the cinema, and it is far better than the two other prequels, but I guess that’s not saying much. I actually found myself wanting Anakin to die, although everyone knows that he survives to become Darth Vader.

May the force be with you! (It is definently with Orange in this brilliant ad!)

english posts medier


An experience with “high culture”
Anybody who knows me will surely tell you, that I am not into “high culture”. Actually, I will tell anyone willing to listen just how much musicals suck. How much you ask? Big time! Anyways, I haven’t been to a play for I don’t know how many years, it was probably while I was in school and got forced into going, that I last attended an actual play of some sorts.

Yesterday I went to see a play. And I didn’t get forced into doing it. No, I actually did it voluntarily – I even ordered the tickets myself! So why this change? I don’t know, really. Anyways, Louise and I went to Mungo Park and saw “Forstad“, which is a play about three teenagers struggling with life in a small suburb. One of the actors was Jonatan Spang, whom I have only known as a stand-up comedian, but I was quite impressed with his acting skills.

When you haven’t been to a play for years, how do you choose which one to go to? What I did was the following: read a mention of the play in a blog, read about the play on the theatre’s website, order tickets. It’s that simple.

All said and done, I really enjoyed the experience, especially because the whole atmosphere about the theatre-experience was so relaxed, and the feeling of “high culture” was totally absent. I’m going again sometime soon 🙂