english posts musik

Yo, We in There

The Blastmaster in Full Effect!
Tonight is going to be a great night! For the first time ever I am going to see KRS-One in concert, and I have been wanting to for years! He hasn’t been to Denmark since 1992, when he performed at the Roskilde Festival, and unfortunately I missed that show. He performed in Århus on monday, and those in attendance said that he still knows how to rock the show! He is bringing the original chief rocker, Busy Bee, as his hypeman and it’s going to be incredible! Hopefully we will be able to get an interview with KRS, but he is a wanted man by the media, so a „small‟ site like ours doesn’t stand great chances, but it’s not impossible!

Masta Ace is also playing at the show, so it’s definently three legends on stage tonight – Common was originally hired for the show, but Mr. Righteous decided to go for the cash and shoot a commercial in the States instead..